Some financial steps

Another short update. I moved money over to the savings account and once I pick the bank I want our emergency savings to preside I’ll be moving that over. I also set up the 529 Savings for the kids and have it depositing money every two weeks. I don’t think I put this but I’d like to set up regular savings for them so they have a place for their money to live. In our savings I kept just the amount needed to cover all bills. I’m still on the fence about setting up separate accounts for Adam and I. I kind of feel like it’s overkill and unnecessary, but at the same time think it could be helpful for us to manage our own accounts and save/purchase things that we specifically want but maybe help back because it was “family” money. The general savings will be for goals like house work, and I’d like an account for vacations/fun things.

It’s been our second week of planned dinners. Everything has been really good. Since haven’t done the meal prep side of things, but we’ll get there eventually. Just having an idea of what to make and knowing we have the ingredients is nice.

Sleep has been slightly better. I started going back to the office this week and it’s forced me to be more structured, a bit. I can’t lie and say I’ve done it 100%, but it’s getting there.

More updates when more things happen!

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