34 down…

Look at me! Writing a blog and such. I’m a millennial so this isn’t actually new to me- open diary, livejournal, anyone? My teen years were filled with aghsty entries of how life was unfair and how one I’d be free. Ah, freedom. Has that actually happened yet? Looking back now I can see I actually had more freedom living with a curfew than I do now, tethered to a house with a mortgage, a job, children I’m responsible to keep alive. Of course there are perks (the kids are pretty cute) but not without the drawbacks.

I’ll be turning 35 the end of this year and I’d like to create a list of 35 goals for myself to accomplish before my birthday. If 2020 has taught us nothing else it’s been that life is not a guarantee. We all know this but try to keep it out of our mind 24/7 so we’re not constantly living in fear, but 2020 really kicked us in the gut to remind us. I’d let to carry that reminder with me moving forward and try to take advantage of the life I’ve been given but accomplishing things that mean something to me, no matter how small. I’ll be updating on my progress, wins and losses, throughout the year to track what I’ve been able to do with my time. Stay tuned for the next entry that will include a breakdown of the list….

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